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-Cheat engine 5.6
-Sedikit pemahaman tentang penggunaan C.E (download)
1. Buka Ninja Saga, equip taijutsu rapidfist(skill41), kemudian reload NS kalian..
2. Setelah masuk ke ninja saga, jangan mengklik apapun, biarkan saja
3. Buka Cheat Engine
-Klik Select proccess to open (gambar komputer kecil kedap-kedip)
-Pilih browser yg kalian gunakan sekarang misalnya Google Chrome, flock ato mozilla…
-untk mozilla select proses plugin container.exe
-Trus Value Type yg asalnya 4Bytes diganti text.
-Centangi Asrom, dan unicode.
-Scan skill41 maka akan diperoleh 2-3 adress.
-block dan kemudian klik tombol copy selected item (gambar kursor merah).
-kemudian ganti faluenya menjadi kode jutsu yang diinginkan, misalnya hellfire skill86.
-jangan buka jutsu atau anda akan refresh the page.
4. mainkan misi seperti biasa kemudian coba attack dengan taijutsu rapidfist, kemudian lihat hasilnya… ^^,
berikut adalah list kode jutsunya.
Skill List Code
skill10 = fire ball
skill11 = fiery flame
skill12 = earth smash
skill13 = twister
skill14 = lightning strike
skill15 = lightning scater
skill16 = wind canon
skill17 = whirlwind spin
skill18 = fiery bird misile
skill19 = fire vortek
skill20 = fire spike wheel
skill21 = fiery bird strike
skill22 = water ball
skill23 = water dragon vortek
skill24 = refresh
skill25 = water shark missile
skill40 = Water Jet Cannon
skill42 = Rapid Kick
skill43 = Dragon Fist
skill44 = Earth Spike
skill45 = Wind Gust
skill46 = Wind Rush
skill47 = Explosive Giant Kunai
skill48 = Eart Erosion
skill49 = Dual Lightning Strike
skill50 = Earth Blast
skill51 = Water Impale
skill52 = Rapid Kick
skill53 = Pillar of Flame
skill54 = Lightning Arrow Strike
skill55 = Earth Boulder
skill56 = Twin Shark Missle
skill57 = Feather Illusion
skill58 = Refresh Rank 2
skill59 = Golem Protection
skill60 = Water Renewal
skill61 = Swift Kick
skill62 = Cannonball Strike
skill63 = Earthen Fist
skill64 = Water Shark Burst
skill65 = Double Fire Arrow
skill66 = lighting shock
skill67 = dager of wind
skill68 = head kick
skill70 = double fireball
skill71 = empowered laghting edge
skill72 = double earth smash
skill73 = double water brust
skill74 = wind strom
skill75 = fire whirl
skill76 = lighting rays
skill77 = earth rock bulder
skill78 = water spears
skill79 = multi fireball
skill80 = multi fire ball
skill81 = water sphere
skill82 = watercuter
skill83 = lighting spears
skill84 = refresh rank 3
skill85 = blade of wind
skill86 = helifire
skill87 = llghting flash
skill88 = earth absorpotion
skill89 = water bundle
skill90 = rapid upercut
skill92 = wind piercing strike
skill93 = raising fire first
skill94 = sccater strom
skill95 = earth first combo
skill96 = dual water edge
skill97 = wind edge chop
skill98 = percing fire dancer
skill99 = erten strike first
skill109 = spirit touch
skill108 = assault kick
skill107 = three combat rapid
skil106 = water pressure canon
skill105 = earth arm
skill104 = lighting ball burst
skill103 = explosive kunai formation
skill102 = dual water cutter
skill101 = dual water sphere
skill100 = dual lighting spears
skill99 = earthen strike first
skill98 = piercing fire dance
skill97 = wind edge chop
skill96 = dual water edge
skill95 = earth first combo
skill94 = scatter storm
skill93 = raising fire first
skill92 = wind piercing strike
skill91 = secret:amaterasu
skill90 = rapid uppercut
skill89 = water bundle (200 token)
skill87 = lighting flash (200 token)
skill88 = earth absorption (200 token)
skill86 = hell fire (200 token)
skill85 = blade of wind (200 token)
skill84 = refresh(rank 3)
skill83 = lighting spear
skill82 = wind cutter
skill81 = water sphere
skill80 = earth spines
skill60 = Water Renewal (200 token)
skill59 = golem protection (200 token)
skill57 = feather illusion (200 token)
skill39 = evasion (200 token)
skill36 = fire power (200 token)
skill35 = lighting charge (200 token)
skill4 = sexy girl transformation (100 token)
skill2 = monkey transformation
saya udah coba work
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
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